Breakfast Club
- The breakfast club is open daily 8.00am – 8.45am. It is supervised by members of school staff.
- The Breakfast Club is held in the Community Room and entrance is via the main school reception (via Manor Way entrance).
- Food is provided between 8.00am – 8.20am.
- Children should be brought to school by an adult and must not be left unsupervised outside school.
- Children can attend different sessions every week but you must tell us by Friday what sessions you need the following week and your child should then attend the sessions requested.
- Unattended sessions without a valid reason will not be refunded. If a session is not attended and a valid reason is given the session cost can be carried forward.
- All normal school rules, including behaviour expectations, will apply during the club.
- The cost for each session is: £3.00 (per child).
For more information and to enquire about a place for your child, please contact the office on 01924 326756