Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Standards and Performance



Ofsted Report: 7th & 8th March 2023

We are delighted to achieve a GOOD judgement, please click here to read the full report



Department for Education (DfE) Performance Data


We our very proud of our pupils and what they achieve. For further information about our school performance on the DFE website, please click here


To see our Key Stage 2 2023 SATS results, please click here


To see our Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 2024 results, please click here



Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)


As a Church of England school, we are inspected by the Diocese of Leeds.  Our last inspection was 8th December 2021, in which we received an overall grade of 'Good', as well as the impact of our Collective Worship also being graded as 'Good'. 


Please click here to view the SIAMS Inspection Report.