Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy




At Staincliffe CE Junior School, we provide a high quality music education which enables children to develop a joy of music whilst increasing self-confidence, creativity and a sense of achievement. Our aim is to provide a high quality music education that engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music and nurtures their talent as musicians.
Through our curriculum, pupils have the opportunity to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of genres, styles, historical periods and traditions. They learn to sing and to use their voices; to create and compose music on their own and with others and have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.



To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in music, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Music is taught as part of a termly topic, focusing on skills and knowledge stated in the National Curriculum and in areas specific to the need of our children. Our skills-focused Music curriculum is delivered through the Charanga scheme.

Our curriculum provides every child with the opportunity to:

  • Listen and Appraise
  • Create and explore
  • Sing, Play Instruments and Perform

To track the progress of our musicians, we:

  • Create Knowledge Organisers which outline knowledge including vocabulary all children must master and apply in lessons.
  • a low stakes quiz regularly to support learner’s ability to retain learning and increase space in the working memory
  • ‘Challenge Questions’ for pupils to apply learning in a philosophical / open manner
  • Capture ‘Pupil Voice’ at regular intervals



By the time they leave us, as musicians, our children will have:

  • An excellent knowledge and understanding of music across a range of genres, styles, historical periods and traditions.
  • The ability to sing and to use their voices; to create and compose music on their own and with others.
  • A passion for music and an enthusiastic engagement in learning, which develops their love for music and its creativity.
  • A desire to embrace challenging activities, including opportunities to sing, perform, compose and learn to play an instrument


Our Music curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with our curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress and support is put in place for those working towards the curriculum objectives.


Please click here for our Music 'Progression of Knowledge and Skills' document.