Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy


On this page you will find lots  and lots of resources and links to help with learning at home.



  1. Weekly activities and projects/topics suitable for all year groups
  2. Purple Mash link and information - you can contact your Teacher through your year group blog 
  3. Specific year group activities - updated weekly 
  4. Resources for children working below key stage 2 and those with EAL needs
  5. Links to other great websites full of home learning tasks and projectsthat are updated daily/weekly - BBC bitesize, Classroom Secrets, Twinkl
  6. Lots of other websites packed full of ideas, activities and projects

Activities suitable for every year group


Summer learning packs

Some fun and educational activities to complete over summer. These can also be found on our transition page. 

Year 3 and 4 Summer packs

Year 5 and 6 Summer packs



Writing task for all year groups


Writing task (for all year groups) 

Year 3 and 4 comprehension    reading booklet / answer booklet  /  parent answers

Year 5 and 6  comprehension  reading booklet  - the Holiday / answer booklet parent answers

                                                          reading booklet - Telephone box  / answer booklet  /  parent answers 


Writing task (for all year groups)  Write a fact file about a person

Year 3 and 4  comprehension    reading booklet / answer booklet  /  parent answers

Year 5 and 6 comprehension      reading booklet / answer booklet  /  parent answers


Writing topics (for all year groups)

Year 3 and 4  comprehension

Year 5 and 6 comprehension


Writing activities (for all) 

Lower school comprehension    Arthur  /    Sutton  / BusterViking

Upper school comprehension    The CaveQuestions 1   /  Questions 2 


Writing challenge  - write a diary entry

                                    -  Features of a diary entry (help to understand what a good diary entry is made up of)


There is no home learning for this week - enjoy the half term holiday.


Writing challenges -  some great topics and themes for you to write a story about!


Home fire safety activity sheets

Transport competition - designing transport of the future


Memory games  -  have some fun with these games

Writing challenges  - there are 8 to choose from... do as many as you like.


scroll down to the year group section for this weeks learning packs.


Whole school timetable of Activities

These 2 activity sheets are linked to this weeks timetable of activities . 

Scroll down to the Year Group Sections for this weeks Maths and writing tasks. 


Literacy Projects - click on the title



Design Projects - click on the title


Design Project 1  / Design Project 2 Design Project 3Design Project 4Design Project  5

Design Project 6Design Project 7 

 Sports projects / activities

We are part of  the North Kirklees Schools Sports Partnership and they have pulled together  some approved digital resources on the School Games website platform.  Lots of activities you can do at home to keep active.

Please click on the link below

   Purple Mash is the new creative online space. Purple Mash hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused   activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day.

Purple Mash - Blogs

We have set up year group blogs on Purple Mash - Pupils have their sign ons in their packs. Click here for written instructions on how to access the blogs.

Pupils in school have created a video of how log on and use the blog , please click the link below

How to use Purple Mash Blogs.mp4

Oak National Academy


This is an alternative home learning solution that has been developed specifically to support teachers and pupils during the corona virus lockdown.

Please click the picture to explore what Oak has to offer.




The Valiant band of educators at Royal Armouries are bringing history to life at home through interactive videos and downloadable resources for pupils to access at home.   Click on the picture to explore what you can learn!



Resources  suitable for children working below Key stage 2 and those with

English as an additional language

 Maths                           Literacy                       Activate your                         The world                         Staying                                   all about

                                                    imagination                           around us                         healthy                                       EAL


Links to other websites - you will find lots of resources to support your children at home.


Websites/links packed full of learning ideas


Outdoor learning activities

Miss Thomas in year 6 has produced a 10 fun things to do outdoors.  Please click here to view.


Scouts – indoor activities


70+ worksheets for all ages


Joe Wicks PE sessions 9am daily  - you tube


David Walliams story time – 11am daily


Scholastic home learning


Explore learning




Edinburgh Zoo – live cameras – link to pandas but there are other live cameras


Cambridge home learning packs


Minecraft home schooling