Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Year 5

Teachers - Miss Parkes (5P), Mrs Patel (Mon & Tues)Mrs Ravat (Wed - Fri) (5PR), Miss Hardy (5H) and Mrs Patel (5H - Friday)

HLTA - Mrs Shaffi

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Zaman and Mrs Sheikh

Below is the SPRING TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the spring term in Year 5. 

For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:

Year 5 Long Term Plan 2024 - 2025

PARENTS' OVERVIEW - SPRING TERM 2024/25 (downloadable doc)

PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM 2024/25 (downloadable doc)





During Spring term year 5 children will learn about:

  • Negative Numbers
  • Long multiplication, square and cube numbers
  • Adding and subtracting fractions
  • Calculating with fractions
  • Reflections and translations
  • Line and comparative graphs
  • Mass
  • Capacity
  • Adding and subtracting with mass and capacity
  • Multiplication & Division including prime numbers
  • Roman Numerals

Year 5 follow a progressive approach to maths where children are provided with experience of mathematical concepts in blocks of one or two weeks. Children will revisit these concepts throughout the year to ensure they have mastered the knowledge and understanding taught.  We encourage the children to be independent learners in maths and utilise their Maths Toolkit to support their learning when required.




In Literacy over the Spring Term, Year 5 will be looking at two texts. We will begin with a discursive writing unit - with a focus on stories from other cultures – ‘The Pied Piper’. Following this unit, children will write a letter of complaint linked also to the ‘Pied Piper’, where children will have the opportunity to voice their opinions in formal writing. Children will spend the remaining part of spring term reading Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo where children will develop their writing in role skills.



Physical Education


5H and 5PR literacy set will continue with their swimming lessons until February half term. Afterwards they will be developing their cognitive skills as part of their PE curriculum. They will learn to develop methods to outwit opponents, recognise and suggest patterns of play to increase their chances of success and learn how to develop their own work as well as helping others with theirs. They will do this through various small team games involving throwing and catching balls where they will work collaboratively by catching, dodging and throwing to earn points in the games. As well as this, children will be taking part in various level challenges to help improve their ball skills and co-ordination.

5P literacy set will begin spring term by developing their social skills as part of their PE curriculum. Through a range of small group activities and games, children will help organise roles and identify responsibilities to help guide each other through a task. They will be expected to develop their cooperation skills with patience and give feedback to each other. After February half term, 5P literacy set will attend swimming every week at Batley Sports and Tennis Centre where specialist swimming teachers will teach the children to swim. More information to follow.




Year 5 will begin spring term learning about Earth and Space. This unit gives the children the opportunity to star-gaze by learning more about the Earth and the celestial bodies in our solar system. Starting with an exploration of each plant – from Mercury to Neptune – this unit then explores how scientific ideas surrounding Earth’s movement and placement have changed over time. Children will complete an assortment of fascinating Mission Assignments – such as making a papier-mache model of the solar system – to deepen their understanding of the Moon, time zones and the night and day cycle.

Our second unit – ‘Changes of Materials’ takes children through six lessons where they learn how to: describe how to recover a substance from a solution; demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes; and finally, they will learn how to explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.




In Music this term, all learning is focused around one song: Livin’ On A Prayer. The material presents an integrated approach to music where games, the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, and pitch), singing and playing instruments are all linked. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise other classic rock songs.



Modern Foreign Languages 


In French this term, the children will be transported into Space, linking with their Science work, developing their scientific vocabulary as well as their grammar. Pupils will develop their listening and language detective skills, using figurative language and develop their sentence structure by adding adjectives, using prepositions and making simple adjectival comparisons.




Children will be learning about what a database is and its various uses. They will learn the different ways to search a data base and use this to answer questions correctly. Children will learn what a field is and, as class, will create and add information to a shared database.

Game Creator

Children will be learning about computer games and what makes a ‘good’ one before using this knowledge to create their own. They will design a setting and characters for their game, then select appropriate actions to increase playability. Children will learn how to write clear instructions to allow others to play their game. They will evaluate their own and peers’ games to help improve their games in the future.



Personal Social Health Economic Education


Our spring 1 unit is called Dreams and Goals where children will compare hopes and dreams with those of young people from different cultures. They will reflect on these hopes and dreams and explain how they make them feel.

Our spring 2 unit is called Healthy Me where children will learn about the different roles that food and substances can play in people’s lives. They will also learn about how people can develop eating problems (disorders) relating to body image pressures and how smoking and alcohol misuse is unhealthy. Children will learn to respect their body.



Religious Education


Over the spring term, we will be exploring the question:

What do Hindu people believe about God?

This unit of work focuses on Hindu belief in God and how Hindu people worship in different ways at home and in the Mandir. Children will have the opportunity to identify similarities and differences in belief and worship in different traditions in Hindu Dharma and compare these to other beliefs.


Art and Design


During spring children will be developing their drawing skills by completing a unit of work titled ‘I Need Space’.

Children will explore the purpose and impact from the ‘Space race’ era of the 1950’s and 60’s; developing independence and decision-making using open-ended experimental processes – combining drawing and collagraph printmaking to create a futuristic image!



Design Technology


Children will be learning about mechanical systems to create a pop-up book. Children will create a functional four-page pop-up storybook design, using levers, sliders, layers and spacers to create paper-based mechanisms.




History is not taught this term due to two units of Geography. History will begin again in Summer term.




Our ‘big question’ for spring term 1 term is

‘What is life like in the Alps?’

Year 5 will consider the climate of mountain ranges and why people choose to visit the Alps; focusing on Innsbruck and looking at the human and physical features that attract tourists; investigating tourism in the local area and mapping recreational land use; presenting findings to compare the Alps to the children’s own locality


Children will end spring term with the big question:

Why does population change?

Children will be investigating why certain parts of the world are more populated than others; exploring birth and death rates; discussing social, economic and environmental push and pull factors and finally learning about the population in Britain and its impacts. Children will also have the opportunity to complete a local area (field work) walk where they will investigate the effect population has in our community.



We follow a spelling programme provided by Spelling Shed. Children can then use the website to practise their weekly spellings choosing the level of support they need. Children will be given a weekly spelling test to consolidate their spellings.


The children can then use the website to practice their weekly spellings choosing the level of support they need. Each child in Year 5 has a copy of the spelling lists in their school book bag. They will be given a weekly spelling test to consolidate their spellings.




Every week, Year 5 children will be given homework on Friday (due in the following Wednesday):

  • be given a maths activity, either linked to their learning that week or revisiting a previously taught skill
  • be expected to read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
  • play on TTRockstars and Spelling Shed
  • learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week)

Each half term, Year 5 children will:

  • be set their black book homework tasks. They need to choose AT LEAST 3 activities to complete which will be shared with with their class and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc. 


Spring 1:

You have been studying Space in Science this half term. Choose at least 3 activities from the list below to complete over the half term and during and during the half term holiday (due in WB 24.2.25).

You are going to share all your homework with your class mates and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc. You will have to explain to the class what you have done.




Year 5 Spring Term 1 2025

 Homework Tasks


Use a range of sources to find out about the planets in our Solar System, such as their diameter, position from the Sun, number of moons, day length, year length and type, for example gaseous or terrestrial. Make a factfile about the planets…


You are going on a spaceship and can only take 10 things with you. What will you take? Either write or draw them in your suitcase. You are going to meet some aliens on another planet. What 10 things would you take as presents for them? Draw them in a gift box.


Bake your own space themed cookies or biscuits.  They could be star, rocket or planet shaped.  They could even include space rocks such as chocolate chips or popping candy!  Write the recipe down and take a photo of what you’ve made.


Find out facts about the space missions – What was the first creature sent into space? Who was the first astronaut? Who was the first man on the moon?  What other interesting facts can you find?


Use scrap paper, foil, sweet wrappers and other junk around the house to create your own space collage.


Keep a Moon diary over the course of a lunar month. Draw the shape of the Moon each night, finding out and recording the correct term for each lunar phase.


Find out about the following types of moon: blood moon; supermoon; blue moon and harvest moon. Why have they been called this? When do they happen? How often can you see a moon like that?


Make an acrostic for one of the planets

e.g.  M




This could be a list of words beginning with each letter, a sentence for each line or even a rhyme.


Find out about a significant space scientist and write a biography or fact file about their life and work. Examples include Claudius Ptolemy, Ibn al-Haytham, Edwin Hubble, Stephen Hawking or Mae Carol Jemison.


Make a 3D model rocket. You could use objects from around the house eg plastic bottle, kitchen roll tube, cardboard from cereal boxes….
Before clocks and watches were invented, people used sundials to measure the passage of time. Make a shadow clock or sundial, using instructions found online. Use your creation to tell the time and consider how accurate it is compared to modern clocks. Explain to an adult how your shadow clock or sundial works, describing the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun in your explanation.
Make a space mobile of the planets that you could hang in the classroom. 


Spring 2:

You have been studying life in the Alps (Europe) this half term. Choose at least 3 activities from the list below to complete over the half term and during the Easter holidays (due in on 22.4.25) 

You are going to share all your homework with your class mates and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc. You will have to explain to the class what you have done.





Year 5 Spring Term 2 2025

 Homework Tasks

Choose 5 places in Europe and explain what you have found about its geography. Include: location co-ordinates (latitude), climate, type of biome.
Bake your own European themed snack.  Write the recipe down and take a photo of what you’ve made.
You are going on holiday to a place in Europe. Firstly, pick your destination. Knowing about the climate, what would you pack in your suitcase?  Either write or draw them in your suitcase. Make sure you explain why you have chosen what you have…
Create a leaflet/ travel guide for a European city. Explain what there is to do there, what can you visit, what is some local food, what is the climate…
Make your own map of Europe. It could be a 3D model to show the terrain or a collage using scrap paper, foil, sweet wrappers and other junk around the house.
Compare the Alps with the English Lake District by listing similarities and differences (weather, attractions etc). Draw a picture for each comparison.
Create a ‘Top Trumps’ Game with key information for 5 European cities/countries. Include the flag, the climate, size, population.
Choose a place in Europe and produce a weather forecast for the location. You can record your presentation or draw an image (like on a TV). Include a morning temperature, evening temperature, 5 day forecast and compare to where you live.