Year 6
Teachers - Miss Thomas (6T), Mrs Ward (6W), Mr Jones (6J)
HLTA - Mrs Johnson
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Ali, Mrs Sadiq and Miss Bibi
Below is the SPRING TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the spring term in Year 6.
For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:
Year 6 Long Term Plan 2024 - 2025
PARENTS' OVERVIEW - SPRING TERM 2024/25 (downloadable doc)
PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM 2024/25 (downloadable doc)
Maths |
In Year 6 we follow a progressive approach where the children get experience of mathematical concepts in blocks of a week or two weeks. They then revisit these concepts over the year to ensure they have mastered the knowledge and understanding. We encourage the children to be independent learners in maths and they utilise their Maths Toolkit to support their learning when required. Over the course of the Spring term, the children will learn about: Perimeter and area, Area and volume, Fractions, decimals and percentages, Negative numbers, Mental and written methods including money and decimals (4 operations), Order of operations, Simple Formulae, Reflections and Translations and Problems involving measures. The children will also be taking the second set of assessment and practice tests.
Literacy |
In Literacy, the Children will be looking at the novel ‘Beowulf’ drawing ideas from different versions. They will write a non-chronological report about one of the characters from the text as well as writing a descriptive fight scene, attempting to build tension and suspense. The children will develop their complaining skills, writing a formal letter of complaint about monsters. Later in the term, we will be writing a diary entry based on a ghost from the poem ‘Colonel Fazackerley’ and then reading ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ where the children will write a CV applying to join the expedition and motivational speech to encourage people to join the expedition, giving reasons why.
PE Physical Education |
In Spring Term 1, Year 6 children will be developing their cognitive skills in the lessons by being taught how to use their awareness of space/others to make good decisions and to understand ways (criteria) to judge performance. They will do this by improving their balance and coordination skills through specific drills designed to target these areas and by applying these skills to games such as 'Dodgeball' and 'Beanbag Raid'.
In Spring Term 2, the children will be working on improving their creative skills. They can will be able to effectively disguise what they are about to do and use variety and creativity to engage an audience. They will link actions and develop sequence of movements that express their own ideas.
Year 6 PE days are: 6T and 6J – Tuesday
6W – Thursday
Science |
In the Spring term, the children will be looking at Evolution and Inheritance. They will look at the fact that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. The children will recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. They will also identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
MFL Modern |
In French this term the children will learn sports vocabulary and how to express their preferences. They expand their knowledge of country names and develop their cultural knowledge of the French game ‘petanque’, the annual ‘Tour de France’ and the Olympics. They will contribute to a magazine article about the Olympics. They will then look at a football-themed unit where children develop and practice many important learning strategies that they can use in their future learning of other subjects and languages. Children develop their reading and speaking and listening skills by responding to questions about footballers. Using this knowledge, they create their own football player profiles based on research by a chosen football player.
Computing |
In the Spring term we are looking at Text Adventures. We will move on to Networks where children will have the opportunity to find out more about how networks work, understand computer networks including the Internet, learn how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web and explore the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.
The children will then look at Quizzing which will involve them using a variety of Purple Mash tools to create quizzes on different topics and for different audiences and they will also have the opportunity to share them with others.
Music |
Over the course of the year, Year 6 will be covering a unit of music from Charanga. All the learning is focused around one song: Happy by Pharrell Williams - a Pop song with a Soul influence about being happy. What makes you happy?
The children will also be working with Kirklees music school to learn and hone their musical skills by performing with a Ukulele.
PSHE Personal Social |
In Spring Term 1 our topic will be ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will look at how to set realistic yet challenging goals for ourselves and how we can stay motivated to achieve these. During this piece, we will also identify problems in the world that concern us and work together to find ways to make the world a better place.
In the second half term our PSHE topic will be ‘Healthy Me’. In this piece we will look at how we can take responsibility for our health and make choices that benefit our health and well-being. We will also understand why some people might make the wrong choices for their well-being and how we can help them.
RE Religious Education |
Over the Spring term the children will be exploring the question:
What do Christians believe about the old and new covenants?
This unit we are looking at Christianity and some of the ‘grand narratives’, focusing on covenants between God and various key figures in the Bible in both the Old and New Testament, including Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus. Children will explores core beliefs of Christians regarding these ancient stories about covenants and their importance.
Art and Design |
In Art, we have been using Kapow to hone their Art and design skills. In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: exploring art with a message, looking at the works of Pablo Picasso and Käthe Kollwitz and through the mediums of graffiti, drawing, painting and sculpture, creating artworks with a message.
DT Design Technology |
This topic draws upon pupils’ skills and knowledge of structures, challenging them to design and create a model of a new playground featuring five apparatus, made from three different structures. Creating a footprint as the base, pupils can practise visualising objects in a plan view and also get creative with their use of natural features and cladding for their structures.
History |
In History this half term, the children are going to be looking a local area focused study –
‘What can the census tell us about local areas?’
The study will focus on identifying the type of information the census gives about people and being able to use the census to make inferences about people from the past, especially Victorian children.
Geography |
In Geography, children will be looking at the question:
'Why does population change?’
This unit looks at how the global population is changing and children should be able to identify why the population is changing, including the impact of global warming. Children will also collect data on how the population can impact traffic and litter and present their findings.
Homework |
Every week Year 6 children will:
- be given a maths activity, either linked to their learning that week or revisiting a previously taught skill
- be expected to read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
- play on TTRockstars and Spelling Shed
- learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week)
Each term Year 6 children will:
- be set their black book homework tasks. They need to choose AT LEAST 3 activities to complete which will be shared with their class and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc.
Activity Chosen: (Tick) |
Year 6 Spring Term 2025 Homework Tasks |
Create a wanted poster for the monster, Grendel. You need to include a drawing of him along with a written description and reward. |
Create your own Frozen Kingdom creature/animal. Annotate the diagram, explain all about it such as its habitat, adaptations etc. |
Research and produce a fact file about Ernest Shackleton, the Antarctic Explorer. |
Investigate a mythical creature e.g. Big Foot, Loch Ness Monster, Frankenstein and write a newspaper article about a possible sighting. Must include: orientation, main body, eyewitness accounts and reorientation. |
Produce a ‘Monster Survival Guide’. Imagine you live in a village that Grendel and his Mother terrorise – write a survival guide with things you would need/what to do to survive. |
Produce an information sheet about The Easter Story in Christianity – you can choose how to present your work e.g. poster, fact file, leaflet. |