Year 3/4
Teachers - Miss Eatwell & Miss Wilby (3/4E)
HLTA - Miss Kauther
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Akroyd, Mrs Latif, Mrs Sadiq, Mrs Jasat, Mrs Mayet, Mrs Khot, Miss Knapton and Mrs Zareef
Year 4
Teachers - Mrs Hemingway (4H) & Miss Ritchie (4R)
HLTA - Miss Arshad
Teaching Assistants - Miss Jubb and Mrs Hussain
Below is the AUTUMN TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the summer term in Year 4.
For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:
Year 4 Long Term Plan 2024-2025
PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM 2024/25 (downloadable doc)
Maths |
In Year 4, we follow a progressive approach ensuring the children get experience of mathematical concepts in blocks of a week or two weeks. They then revisit these concepts over the year to ensure they have mastered previous knowledge and understanding that has been taught. We encourage the children to be independent learners in maths and they utilise their Maths Toolkit to support their learning when required.
During the Autumn term the children will learn about: Number, place value and rounding, Mental addition and subtraction & baseline assessments, Multiplication grid method, Division, Geometry: properties of shapes, Geometry coordinates, Measures, fractions, time, data handling, number and place value and rounding will all be covered.
Times Table Rock Stars
This year your child will take their multiplication check. This is a timed test similar to TT Rockstars so we highly encourage the children to practice their times tables and challenge themselves on TT Rockstars as often as possible. Your child will be given a username and password for access to the app called ‘Times Table Rock stars’ which can be accessed by any mobile device e.g. Phone, tablet and laptop. Through this app, the children have a great opportunity to learn their times tables in a fun interactive way.
Literacy |
In Literacy, over the Autumn Term, Year 4 will be looking at a variety of fiction texts.
For the first few weeks the children will have looked at a class novel. Our first year 4 text is Egyptian Cinderella. I am sure you all know the story of Cinderella but this one is a little bit different. It is set in Ancient Egypt with a young lady called Rhodopis. In years past, the children have really enjoyed reading this text and creating their own version of the story. After, the children will be writing a newspaper report– linking to our History topic. Later in the term we will be reading and completing work based on George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl – a popular children’s (and adults) author. I wonder what the children will decide to put in their medicines?
The focus will be on narrative writing using empathy and the children will be introduced to and encouraged to use subordinate clauses.
PE Physical Education |
During autumn term 1, Year 4 children will be developing their personal and social skills in their PE lessons.
This will include: Unit 1: Personal
The children will be developing balancing and coordination as part of their lessons. In the lessons there are choices to be made, easy, hard or harder – Which will your child choose?
During autumn term 2, children will be encouraged to develop their social skills as part of their PE lessons. They will be developing seated balances in pairs and accuracy in jumping and landing. When demonstrating, the children will be asked to observe carefully the sequences shown and offer support in improving their techniques. This will require high level listening skills.
PE Days: Wednesday – 4R and 4H
Children need to come to school in uniform and bring in their PE kits.
Science |
Our first year 4 topic in science during the first half of the autumn term will be concerned with ‘Animals Including Humans.
Our Science lessons will look at different parts of the human body, what impact food and drink can have on the body and animal food chains. We will also need our lab coats and goggles out as we will be conducting our own experiments! We will then move on to looking at living things and their habitats where they learn how to recognize that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
Music |
Year 4 will be listening to Mamma Mia and popular song by the group ABBA and learning to sing this. They will also listen to other ABBA songs and learn about popular music.
As part of the performance element, the children will compose their own accompaniment to the song and perform this to the class. Dynamics and tempos will be discussed as we perform.
MFL Modern Foreign Language (French) |
In French this half term, the children will be learning the days of the week, dates and seasons through maths, songs, surveys and the research of French festivals finishing with a birthday celebration.
Computing |
In the first term the children will be learning about keeping safe online. Please see the safeguarding drop down tab on the school website and click on online safety for some additional support for yourselves to help the children.
In the second half term the children will be learning about effective searching. All children will be provided with new log on details.
PSHE Personal Social Health Economic Education |
In the first half term our topic will be ‘Being Me in My World’. The children will learn about becoming a class ‘team’, knowing their attitudes and actions make a difference to our team. Learning more about our school community – who is in it and the roles we all play. We will learn about why we have rights, responsibilities and rules, linking these to rewards and consequences. Throughout this topic, we shall learn about our learning charter and how important it is as a class and whole school community.
In the second term our topic will be ‘Celebrating Differences’. The children will learn about differences between people’s looks and personalities, learning how to not be judgmental, to accept people for who they are. They shall also discuss the issue of bullying, how to help/stop these situations and link this to team work and problem solving. Finally, they will learn about what is special and unique about themselves and how their impressions of people can change once they get to know them.
RE Religious Education |
Over the Autumn term, in year 4, the children will be exploring the big question:
How do Jews use stories to remember God’s covenant?
This unit focuses on what it is like to be Jewish: exploring the covenant with God; exploring beliefs about God; about how ideas of God are expressed in stories, celebration, ritual and action; about Moses as a key leader in the Jewish tradition; about the Torah as sacred text; about the great festivals of Pesach, and the weekly celebration of Shabbat, illustrating how Jewish people try to live. This unit gives the children opportunities to explore how religious texts can be a source for learning and for beliefs.
We will also be preparing our Year 4 Nativity to perform at the end of Autumn term.
Art and Design |
During the autumn term the children will be looking at drawing: power prints. Using mechanical engravings as a starting point, pupils develop an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern in drawing and combine media for effect when developing a drawing into a print.
DT Design Technology |
During the autumn term, the children will use a range of materials, design and make a car with a working slingshot mechanism and house the mechanism using a range of nets.
Geography |
In this unit the children will be trying to answer our big question:
Why are rainforests important to us?
Throughout this unit children will describe tropical rainforests and why they are important. They will also begin to understand the threats to the Amazon.
History |
Our History topic for the term is ‘Who were the Ancient Egyptians?’
The children will learn about the Pharaoh’s, including the most famous of them all! They will find out about the interesting procedures that happened when someone died! About their houses, and lives, about the River Nile and why it was extremely important to them.
We follow the spelling patterns from Spelling Shed.
The children can then use the website to practice their weekly spellings choosing the level of support they need. Each child in Year 4 has a copy of the spelling lists in their school book bag.
Children who are having phonics teaching will get spellings from their phonic phase.
We will also cover the spellings from the Statutory Year 3/ 4 list.
Homework |
Every week on Friday (due in the following Tuesday) Year 4 children will be given a maths activity, either linked to their learning that week or revisiting a previously taught skill.
They will also be expected to:
- read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
- Play on TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed games.
- Learn their times tables- the children will be told which timetable to learn.
- Learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week)
Each term Year 4 children will:
- be set their black book homework tasks. They need to be as creative as possible so it could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc. It is hoped an adult at home will work collaboratively with the child and help them with their learning and presentation. When this happens the work is often simply stunning!
Black book homework
This is your chance to show off what you can do! Choose at least 3 activities from the list below to complete over the Autumn term and during the half term holidays (due in on Monday 9th December).
You are going to share all your homework with your class mates and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations (printed out), 3D models, posters, photographs etc. You will have to explain to the class what you have done.
Homework for research to be completed in Black Books:
Year 4 Autumn Term 2024 Homework Tasks |
Activity |
Our literacy work this half term is the ‘Egyptian Cinderella’. We would like you to do some research on the Ancient Egyptians. You can find out anything about this topic- present it however you like. |
We will be reading George’s Marvellous Medicine. Write a recipe of what you would put in your own ‘disgusting’ medicine. Be creative! It could include dog’s toenails or even a snake’s eyeball! Maybe some vinegar or bird poo! Don’t forget to draw what the medicine bottle looks like and even some pictures of the ingredients. |
We are looking at French numbers and the French calendar. Produce an information leaflet to translate English number and calendar words in to French such as two= deux, January= janvier Can you write the date you were born in French!? |
Design your own animal and show how it will camouflage in to its surroundings. What does its skin look like to be able to hide? Label its features that will help it survive eg sharp claws |
Explain what your favourite thing to do in your free time is… you need to write why you enjoy it. You could draw a picture of it or even take a photograph of you doing it. |