Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy


Supporting out local community, as well as national initiatives, is important to us. We decided to support our local food bank - Batley Food Bank as well as some larger charities this year. 


Sponsored Walk - 4th November 2022

Over the summer, we were all shocked to see and hear about the devastating floods that hit Pakistan. As is our ethos here at Staincliffe to help those in need, we held a joint fundraiser to help those affected by the devastating floods. A fantastic effort was shown by everyone for our sponsored walk with an absolutely staggering £3338.30 raised!


Batley Food Bank - Harvest Collection

Every Harvest, we collect donations of food, toiletries and money to send to our local food bank - a charity chosen by the children to support. We had a fantastic response from our families again this year, with two car loads of food and toiletries being donated, as well as £254.00 cash that the food bank will use to buy specific items that are needed.  Many, many thanks to everyone. 

We will accept any donations at any time and donate the food on school's behalf. 

They are currently needing toiletries and baby products. 


Children in Need - Friday 18th November 2022

An amazing £208.18 was raised - findings from Children in Need research shows that the coronavirus pandemic is having a huge impact on the mental health and wellbeing of UK children, and for those who were already facing disadvantages, life has become incredibly difficult. With our help, we can fund life changing projects and charities, providing crucial services for vulnerable children and young people through this crisis. From our donations, we supporting thousands of children and young people and helping to change lives!


Save the Children Christmas Jumper/non uniform day - 8th December 2022

The children enjoyed the day, which included the Christmas lunch! Thank you for your kind donations to this appeal, we almost £200.00 which will be split between Save the Children and WaterAid. Over £600 has been raised in the last 3 years - thank you for your generous support.


Red Nose Day / Comic relief - 17 March 2023

This year, it never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. We needed the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change! We raised £196.00 for this worthy cause. Thank you for your generous donations.


School Gala - annual event 

Year 6 pupils arrange an annual gala. They have many discussions about where we will donate half the proceeds. the children are asked to suggest where they would like to donate the money, write persuasive accounts and share these with all members of year 6. The children then vote. Last year they voted for Pinderfields Hospital intensive care unit. It has a place close to our heart. A few years previously, they had decided to donate to Forget me not trust as a pupil from school sadly passed away and they supported him in his final days.

We thank local businesses for donating to our gala to help raise the funds for school and charities. 


Mayor of Kirklees Charity Challenge Week September 2018

The Mayor of Kirklees Councillor Gwen Lowe ,who is an ex pupil of our school came to visit on Friday 21st September as we held a non uniform day for her Charity week Challenge.  Her two nominated charities are Kirkwood Hospice and RSPCA. We raised £201.35 for these worthy causes.