Year 3
Teachers - Mr Daji (3D), Mrs Ahmed (3A)
HLTA - Miss Kauther
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Akroyd, Mrs Latif, Mrs Sadiq, Mrs Jasat, Mrs Mayet, Mrs Khot, Miss Knapton and Mrs Zareef
Year 3/4
Teachers - Miss Eatwell & Miss Wilby (3/4E)
HLTA - Miss Kauther
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Akroyd, Mrs Latif, Mrs Sadiq, Mrs Jasat, Mrs Mayet, Mrs Khot, Miss Knapton and Mrs Zareef
Below is the AUTUMN TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the summer term in Year 3.
For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:
Year 3 Long Term Plan 2024-2025
PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM 2024/25 (downloadable doc)
Maths |
This term, the children will be reading, writing and ordering numbers up to a 1000, revising mental strategies and number facts. They will learn how to add and subtract using the column method. The children will revise 2,5 and 10 times table and the related division facts and also learn 3, 4 and the 8 times tables. They will be applying this knowledge in order to solve multiplication problems and sums. The children will be measuring lengths using mm, cm and m. To finish the term, they will be taught basic fractions e.g. identifying quarters and halves.
Times Table Rock stars
Your child will be given a username and password for access to an app called ‘Times Table Rock stars’ which can be accessed by any mobile device e.g. Phone, tablet and laptop. Through this app, the children have a great opportunity to learn their times tables in a fun interactive way
Literacy |
In Literacy in the first half term of the Autumn Term, Year 3 will be looking at a variety of fictional texts e.g. Pirate Pete, a Roald Dahl book and also others based on pirates. The children will be encouraged to use descriptive vocabulary when describing characters and settings. In Non-fiction, we will be looking at non-chronological texts and the children will write their own based on research and another on their own imaginary creature.
In the second half term, the children will study the classic story of ‘Demon Dentist’ by David Walliams and will write an interview. They will also learn to write instructions. In our guided reading the children will look at a variety of texts both fiction and non-fiction. The children will be taught how to answer questions based on ’VIPERS’ which are vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarise.
PE Physical Education |
In PE, our first learning focus is ‘Personal’ and is all about being resilient in PE. We will learn how to ask for help when we need it, begin to challenge ourselves and persevere and improve our performances throughout the unit. Our main skill will be footwork where we will practice different movements using our feet and then apply them in various games and challenges.
In the second half term, our learning focus will be ‘Social’ and is all about supporting others in PE. We will learn how to help, praise and encourage others, show patience and organise roles and responsibilities during group tasks. Our main skills will be jumping and landing where we will practice different movements using our feet and then apply them in various games and challenges.
PE Days: Monday – 3D
Friday – 3A
Science |
Children will look at the topic ‘Animals and Humans’. They will learn that animals and humans need nutrition and they get nutrition from what they eat. Also they will learn that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. They will then move on to look at forces and magnets. They will conduct experiments to determine what materials are attracted or repelled by a magnet and consider the force of friction.
Computing |
This term, we will be focussing on 3 different topics. The topics we will be learning about are:
- 2Type- The children will learn how to type and how to position their hands on a keyboard.
- Email- Children will learn to communicate through composing and sending emails safely.
- Online Safety- The children will learn how to keep safe online.
PSHE Personal Social |
In the first term, our topic will be ‘Being Me in My World’. The children will learn about self-identity and worth, rights and responsibilities, making responsible choices, rewards and consequences.
In the second term, our topic will be ‘Celebrating Differences’. The children will learn about families and their differences, bullying and how to solve it and recognising how words can be hurtful.
RE Religious Education |
This term the children will consider how ancient stories influence modern celebrations. They will look at stories in key world religions and consider how details within the stories have created similarities and differences in modern religious ceremonies, looking at rituals and artefacts.
Geography |
The children will explore different types of settlements, land use, and the difference between urban and rural. They will describe the different human and physical features in their local area and make land use comparisons with New Delhi.
DT Design Technology |
In the second half term the children will identify and learn about the key features of a castle, before designing and making a recycled-material castle (structure). They will consider what makes a structure stable then get stuck in to building!
Modern Foreign Languages (French) |
Greetings - Children will learn how to introduce themselves. They will use greetings to say hello, goodbye and goodnight.
Playground games - Children will count in French from 1-12, recognise different numbers, words and ask someone how old they are.
History |
This term in history, children will be answering our ‘Big Question’:
Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or the Iron Age?
Looking at the chronology of mankind, children are introduced to Britain’s story. They use archaeological evidence to find out about the Stone Age, Bronze and Iron Age. They will undertake historical skills such as sequencing events on a timeline, using sources of evidence and comparing past events to current day.
Music |
Children will be introduced to learning about the language of music through playing the glockenspiel.
Art and Design |
In Art, the children are going to be discovering how and why our ancient ancestors made art, experimenting with natural materials to make homemade paints and playing with scale to paint on a range of surfaces.
We follow the spelling patterns from Spelling Shed.
The children can then use the website to practice their weekly spellings choosing the level of support they need. Each child in Year 3 has a copy of the spelling lists in their school book bag.
Children who are having phonics teaching will get spellings from their phonic phase.
We will also cover the spellings from the Statutory Year 3/ 4 list.
Homework |
Every week Year 3 children will be given homework on Friday (due in the following Tuesday):
- be expected to read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
- Play on TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed games.
- Learn their times tables- the children will be told which timetable to learn.
- Learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week)
Black Book Homework.
Each term, Year 3 children will be given their ‘Black Book’ Homework, where they are to pick at least 3 activities to complete over the term.
Year 3 Autumn Black Book Homework Tasks 2024
Please write in pencil only in your book and colour in using coloured pencils or felt tips.
This is your chance to show off what you can do! Choose at least 3 activities from the list below to complete over the Autumn term and during the half term holidays (due in on Monday 9th December.)
You are going to share all your homework with your class mates and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations (printed out), 3D models, posters, photographs etc. You will have to explain to the class what you have done.
Activity |
Year 3 Autumn Term 2024 Homework Tasks |
Write and decorate an Autumn poem. Can you use rhyme? |
Design your own island and draw a map of it. Where will you hide the treasure? |
Draw and write about your favourite meal. Can you explain if it is healthy and why? |
Make an information poster on the skeleton. |
Invent a new chocolate bar and design an advert to persuade people to buy it. |
Cook something at home and write a list of instructions. You could draw a picture of what you have made. |
Write about one of your hobbies. You could add a photograph of you doing it… |
After looking at the book ‘The Twits’ in school -write about your own ‘tricks’ that you would do if you didn’t get in to too much trouble! |
Conduct your own science experiment with a magnet. What objects are attracted to the magnet? Draw/ photograph what you have found out. |
Write about/ draw your favourite animal. Don’t forget to explain why you like it! |
Paint/ design on the computer a castle! Label its features. |
General Information:
It is important that the children remain hydrated and there are areas in all classrooms for children to keep a labelled water bottle from home. Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle into school.
PE Lessons
All children will be taking part in PE lessons.
3D’s day for P.E is every Monday
3A's day for P.E is every Friday
Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school, which includes a change of footwear suitable for playing games.
If your child wears earrings, these need to be removed for PE or covered up with tape – your child must be able to do this themselves. Long hair should be tied back.
Nut Allergies
There are a number of children in school with nut allergies. If you send your child to school with a packed lunch, Please DO NOT send any biscuits and chocolate bars containing nuts, or nut-based spreads in sandwiches.